27 June 2017
The (re-) emergence of large-scale agriculture: drivers and determinants
Plenary Session 1
- Sustainability of agroholdings in Russia and not only - Eugenia Serova
- Large-scale agriculture and agribusiness in an era of conflicting consumer and societal demands - Richard J. Sexton
Parallel Session A1: Policies and farm structures
- Livestock restructuring in Turkmenistan: A revival of large farms? - Gurbanmyrat Ovezmuradov
- Short-term impact of supporting large-scale farms: 14 cases from Russian regions - Nikolai Svetlov
- Farm size structure and agricultural policies in Brazil - Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho
- “Success story” of agriculture in Voronezh region in 2010-2017: Happy coincidence or new model of regional governance in Russia? - Andrei Yakovlev
Parallel Session B1: Spatiotemporal effects
- How the emergence of agroholdings contributed to the polarised agricultural landscape in Tyumen province, Russia - Alexander Vladimirovich Sheludkov
- Predator or prey? Effects of fast-growing farms on their neighborhood - Franziska Appel
- The effect of resource-saving policy on convergence of urban areas’ total factor productivity. A case of Wuhan metropolitan area, China - Xin Gao
Parallel Session C1: Smallholder perspectives
- What can we learn from experience? An impact analysis of experience on households’ preferences for microfinance - Zhao Ding
- Land characteristics and its associated costs and benefits in grain production in the North China Plain - Qian Wang
- Land shareholding cooperatives of grain production: A case study in Chongzhou, Sichuan Province - Ya Ding
Organised Session A2: Asia and Europe
- Revisiting farm structure development and productivity: Evidence from transition economies of Asia and Europe - Oleg Nivievskyi
- Post-transition development of farm structure and implications for Romania - Anna Hajdu
- Transformation of farm structure in Vietnam and implications for efficiency and equity - Tran Cong Thang
- The evolution of China's farm structure: History, current status and impact on productivity - Zhigang Xu, Dingqiang Sun
Parallel Session B2: Environmental sustainability
- Economic transformation of animal husbandry: Environmental constraints, policy intervention and production efficiency - Fang Wang
- Are cooperatives closing the loop? Conduit brokerage for the environment - Bettina Bluemling
- Do farmers' perceptions of temperature change affect the practice of environmentally friendly agriculture? Evidence from smallholder rubber farmers in the upper Mekong region - Shi Min
Parallel Session C2: Market developments I
- Modelling future prospects of liquid biofuel market in Ukraine with a focus on larger producers: A partial equilibrium analysis - Iryna Cheban
- Introducing agricultural land market in Ukraine: Farmland supply and demand estimation - Eduard Bukin
- Contract preferences of smallholders: Evidence from a study on potato production in Uzbekistan - Golib Sanaev
- The impacts of rules of origin on agri-products import in China’s FTAs - Jianxing Lyu
Organized Session A3: Central Asia
- Is there an inverse farm size-productivity relationship in Central Asia? - Martin Petrick, Nodir Djanibekov
- Restructuring of agroholdings in Kazakhstan - Dauren Oshakbayev
- Productivity effects of farm “optimisation” in Uzbekistan’s cotton sector: The case of Samarkand - Abdusame Tadjiev, Martin Petrick, Nodir Djanibekov
Parallel Session B3: Environmental policies
- Water for irrigation, groundwater depletion and political economy of energy subsidy for intensive groundwater pumping in Iran - Tinoush Jamali Jaghdani
- Effectiveness of regulations for reducing crop residue burning in Northeast China - Lena Kuhn
- Assessing the impacts of GHG emission mitigation options on farms in New Zealand - Utkur Djanibekov
Parallel Session C3: Market developments II
- Estimating the welfare loss of double marginalization for Indonesian rubber production and manufacturing - Thomas Kopp
- Can the South East Asian rubber cartel manipulate international rubber prices? - Thomas Kopp
- Price transmissions between world oil prices and wheat prices in Russia and its effect on food security - Stanislav Yugay
28 June 2017
Can large-scale agriculture address stakeholder interests?
Plenary Session 2
- Publishing high-quality sustainability. Reports – for profit and society? - Philipp Schreck
- Trends in investments in large scale farming in the world: From foreign investments to IPO - Mila Kletsky
Organized Session A4: Large-scale farming in East Germany. Trends and implications for rural areas
- Cross-regionally active capital owners in East German agriculture - Andreas Tietz
- Large farm acquisitions: Causations and local implications. Preliminary findings from community case studies - Lutz Laschewski
- Social impacts of large scale agriculture - Ramona Bunkus, Insa Theesfeld
Parallel Session B4: Finance and ownership
- What determines financial leverage of large-sized agricultural holdings? Empirical evidence from Poland - Michał Soliwoda
- Factors of farm economic resilience in North-Western Russia - David Epstein
- Corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from the agri-food industry of Russia - Alisher Tleubayev
- Large-scale agriculture in Belarus – Trends and perspectives - Anatoli Takun
Parallel Session C4: Technologies
- Moral values in anti-GMO campaigns. WCH-Project: “The ethics and economics of modern agricultural myths” - Gabi Waldhof
- The effect of quality improvement in seed on China’s maize yield:An empirical study on key maize-growing provinces - Longjiang Chen
- Agroholdings and digital farm technologies in Russia: Opportunities & challenges - Oane Visser
- Does conservation tillage contribute to household welfare? Evidence from Chinese rice farmers – Liqun Tang
Parallel Session A5: Institutions and governance
- Large-scale farming in Argentina: The role of institutional changes in shaping the business - Marcos Fabricio Daziano
- Betting the farm: A case study on the effects of tournament payment incentives on contract poultry farmer pay outcomes in the US - Tyler Miles Whitley
- Organization of large scale animal agriculture: Contracting the production of Broilers in Croatia - Tomislav Vukina
Parallel Session B5: Farm growth and performance
- What prevents Ukrainian farms from growing? Profit and yield-based projections - Igor Ostapchuk
- Picking “lemons” or picking “cherries”? Agroholdings’ acquisition of farms in Russia and the Czech Republic - Ladislav Jelínek
- (How to) grow to survive? An empirical analysis of group-specific growth patterns of farms in Northwest Russia - Jarmila Curtiss
- Growth and financial distress in large commercial farming in Brazil - Antonio Carlos Ortiz
Parallel Session C5: Ethical aspects
- Which agricultural businesses financially supports the development of social and rural infrastructure in Russia - Miroslava Bavorová
- Social responsibility of Ukraininan agricultural enterprises: The case of Zhytomyr region - Larysa Levkivska
- A critical and comparative history of publicly traded agroholding farms in Russia and Ukraine - Brian Kuns
Panel Discussion 1: Moral challenges of modern agriculture
Carl-Albrecht Bartmer (DLG e.V., Germany)
Silvia Bender (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND) – Friends of the Earth, Germany)
Moderation: Ingo Pies (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
29 June 2017
Fit for the future: Perspectives and challenges of large-scale agriculture
Plenary Session 3
- Large and successful in farming: How does it work – an example of IMC Agroholding from Ukraine - Alex Lissitsa
- SLC Agricola’s business model and Brazil’s agricultural potential - Aurelio Pavinato
Panel Discussion 2: Large-scale agriculture - for profit and society?
Ruud Huirne (Rabobank, The Netherlands)
Oane Visser (Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands)
Anna Voges (Saat-Gut Plaußig Voges KG, Germany)
Taras Vysotskyi (Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, Ukraine)
Moderation: Alfons Balmann (IAMO, Germany)