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27 June 2017

The (re-) emergence of large-scale agriculture: drivers and determinants

Plenary Session 1

Parallel Session A1: Policies and farm structures

Parallel Session B1: Spatiotemporal effects

Parallel Session C1: Smallholder perspectives

Organised Session A2: Asia and Europe

Parallel Session B2: Environmental sustainability

Parallel Session C2: Market developments I

Organized Session A3: Central Asia

Parallel Session B3: Environmental policies

Parallel Session C3: Market developments II

28 June 2017

Can large-scale agriculture address stakeholder interests?

Plenary Session 2

Organized Session A4: Large-scale farming in East Germany. Trends and implications for rural areas

Parallel Session B4: Finance and ownership

Parallel Session C4: Technologies

Parallel Session A5: Institutions and governance

Parallel Session B5: Farm growth and performance

Parallel Session C5: Ethical aspects

Panel Discussion 1: Moral challenges of modern agriculture

Carl-Albrecht Bartmer (DLG e.V., Germany)
Silvia Bender (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND) – Friends of the Earth, Germany)

Moderation: Ingo Pies (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)

29 June 2017

Fit for the future: Perspectives and challenges of large-scale agriculture

Plenary Session 3

Panel Discussion 2: Large-scale agriculture - for profit and society?

Ruud Huirne (Rabobank, The Netherlands)
Oane Visser (Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands) 
Anna Voges (Saat-Gut Plaußig Voges KG, Germany)
Taras Vysotskyi (Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, Ukraine)

Moderation: Alfons Balmann (IAMO, Germany)